Food in Poland
When I traveled to Poland for the first time in 2016 as a journalist on trip organized by the Adam Mickiewicz Institute, I immediately became interested in the fast changes taking place in the Polish food world. After two years of preliminary research, together with Mateusz Halawa, a researcher in the Max Planck Partner Group for the Sociology of Economic Life at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Science in Warsaw, in 2018 I became the recipient of a tree-year grant from the National Science Centre, Poland, for the project Reinventing “Polish food” in the cosmopolitan foodscape (Przemiany “polskiego jedzenia” w kosmopolitycznym pejzażu jedzeniowym, DEC-2017/27/B/HS2/01338).
The objectives of this research project are: (1) to investigate the newly emerging interest in local and traditional Polish foods among urban, educated, upwardly mobile middle classes in terms of individual and collective identities; (2) to explore the apparent revaluation of Polish food in terms of space – through the rearticulation of the categories of local, regional, and national – and time, through discourses around history and tradition, which include debates on authenticity; (3) to examine new forms of cosmopolitanism resulting from both homegrown social dynamics (cultural omnivorism and need for distinction) and the entanglement with global cultures and practices through social media and other forms of communication; (4) to understand how cosmopolitanism through the revaluation of Polish food influences the experience of the Polish national identity and heritage in everyday life.
The research project, based at Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Science in Warsaw, is taking us all around Poland, from Kraków to Gdańsk, Poznań, and Toruń. We will be posting updates on our work on the blog.

The Makaron Case: Pasta, Poland, and Politics
Italian pasta has suddenly become very hot in Polish politics (ok, terrible pun, but bear with me…). On Wednesday October 3rd, Janusz Kowalski, the deputy minister for Agriculture and Rural Development of Poland, posted an infographic on his X account in which he...

The cost of Putin’s war: A food security plan for Central and Eastern Europe
by Agata Bachórz, Natasha Bunzl, Eszter Kovacs, Diana Mincyte, Fabio Parasecoli, Simone Piras, Mihai Varga. In Central and Eastern Europe the strain of providing for the refugees from Ukraine is affecting not only large cities but also rural areas near the Ukrainian...

Vodka and Pierogi: Gastronativism during Putin’s War
In the midst of a war that is reshaping the global geopolitical landscape, food has been co-opted as a symbol-–some may say a tool— to show solidarity, buttress identities, and express hostility or even enmity. Just a couple of days had passed since Putin’s attack on...

Memories of Flavors: Negotiating the Past in post-Socialist Europe
The fall of the socialist regimes in Central and Eastern Europe has created winners and losers. Most current political tensions in those countries are rooted in the uneven distribution of the benefits deriving from rapid political and economic changes. What one can...

How to cook tradition? Three interpretations of Polish food
What culinary tradition is and what it does is still up for grabs. In the post-Covid relaunch, three restaurateurs in northern Poland offer different takes on how to connect their current customers to the past. Fieldwork in Poland continues to be stimulating. Each...

Food Generations: Pierogi, Culinary Heritage, and Family Legacy in Poland
All pictures: courtesy of the Goethe-Institut This film on culinary heritage highlights the role cooking and eating together play in the survival of material and immaterial culture and in the development of an inclusive and porous sense of identity that is based on...

Looking for exposure: Gastrodiplomacy in Central and Eastern Europe
Central and Eastern European countries have been producing books about their cuisines as a form of gastrodiplomacy. Will such initiatives succeed in giving more visibility to these food cultures? For those like me who were introduced to Ukrainian cuisine (or, at...

Seasons and Leisure: Time, Food, and Cooking in Polish Food Media
With Agata Bachórz What’s the value of time? How do we invest it in shopping, cooking, and eating? How do we balance convenience with comfort and pleasure? And how choices about time express who we feel we are as individuals and communities? At times, looking at...

My First Impressions of Food in Poland
I was looking at old notes, and I realized it was precisely in the fall of four years ago that my contact with the food of Poland happened. I thought it would be fun to go back to the first posts I published and share some of those first impressions. After four...

Just Cheese? The Place of Twaróg in Polish Cuisine
Pictures courtesy of Gieno Mientkiewicz At a time when the food scene in Poland has been severely hit by COVID-19, a group of food professionals is trying to draw attention to a humble but symbolically important product: a cheese called twaróg, straddling tradition...