Food satire in US TV comedy shows, animated sitcoms such as South Park, and Internet videos provides an outlet to reflect on social and cultural problems, including racism. It also offers a rather benign critique of the vices of the average American. After all, the...
What do angels eat? And can food be a good reason for having a body, rather than being spirituals entities dancing on the head of a pin? These existential questions run through Good Omens, the adaptation of the1990 novel co-written by Neil Gaiman (who also wrote the...
I am not a chef. I am just a moderately proficient homecook (you can check what I cook on my Instagram account @fparasecoli) I have not been to culinary school (although maybe… at some point…). I have never gone through any kind of formal process to learn...
I originally published this article on the Huffington Post back in 2016. It was the beginning of an adventure that took me to unexpected experiences: cooking on a wood stove from the 1940s; writing an essay for a book on food, memory, and imagination; and contributing...